Meet Our People

Michael & Kimberly Matthews

Pastoral Deacon / Deaconess


Bio: Michael and his wife Kimberly began serving Borrego Lutheran Church in ministry during the Spring of 2003. Michael and Kimberly have a deep and abiding love for Jesus Christ and the people of Borrego Springs. Michael and Kimberly have three sons ages 22 to 34 and one daughter age 3 1/2 years. Michael and Kimberly's passion is for the advancement of the Gospel and the conversion of people from non-believer to believer. Michael provides ministerial support to the congregation and Kimberly provides support in just about every other area including leadership as a past Elder of the congregation. Michael and Kimberly would love to have you visit Them for Worship or Bible Study. If you have any questions or have a special need, please let them know by selecting the Contact Form area of the web site.

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Bio: Short biography

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Bio: Short biography