Welcome to Borrego Lutheran Church

Borrego Lutheran Church sets the foundation for strong communities in Borrego Springs. We are dedicated to the advancement of the Gospel through education, and other beneficial activities to the community.


In addition to our community service, we organize regular meetings and activities so that our members can join together and support our communities from day to day.


We are always happy to meet new people - everyone is welcome!

How To Use This Website

This website has been designed to help you in your spirtual walk. Please explore it and find what it has to offer. We have provided our weekly Sermon, so you can hear the Word of God proclaimed. We have provided a weekly Devotional so that you can personally explore the Word of God. We have provided News and Events for the community of Borrego Springs so as to keep you informed about what is happening in the community. We have also provided a section for interesting Stories about God, the Bible, the History of Creation, Gods people and much more. Please take the time to visit and get to know this site, it will be well worth your time.

Who We Are

Borrego Lutheran Church is a non-profit, Christ centered organization.


Learn more about our people.

What We Do

The Borrego Lutheran Church

Learn more about our work.

What Keeps Us Going


Read more inspiring stories.